about mashed stars!
first of all, welcome! this is a silly little website i started after learning about neocities and how it works. before that, i'd tried various social media sites while trying to find My Place™ on the internet, but none of them fully convinced me. after thinking about it for a bit, i think that this was because i just want to post whatever i feel like posting in whatever format i feel like posting it in (does that make sense?). then one way or another i came across neocities! only knowing how to make carrds, a boring summer evening i made an account and started playing around with the built-in text editor. many visits to w3schools later, it's finally here! the name came from remedios varo's Papilla Estelar (1958). a literal translation of its title is (roughly) "stellar porridge", but after playing around with the phrase in spanish i liked more "puré de estrellas", which means "mashed stars"! next to this block of text (damn, maybe i need to change my style sheet) there's a close-up picture i took of the painting at remedios varo's exhibition "Constelaciones" @ malba.
about me!
my name's [TRUCK NOISES] but i go by val (she/her) on the internet! i'm a teenager with a lot of free time at the moment andddddd that's pretty much it. my interests change pretty fast so i don't think i'm gonna write an interests section any time soon. also, my mother tongue's spanish, but i wanna practise my english so yeah. my knowledge of html and whatnot is pretty limited, so this site's gonna be permanently under construction. by the time this about page is public in neocities i'll probably be pretty happy with how the site is, though. i can't think of anything else to say about me right now so i guess this is it. thanks for reading!